Saturday, 11 February 2012

TREE TALES…...from Zambia to Zone A at Totterdown Art Trail!

Thanks to everyone that came along to the Tree Tales exhibition back in November at the Totterdown Art Trail 'Front Room'!

Below: Pull out the stamens to read what students at Hillcrest Primary wrote about trees....

Below: Listening to the Tree Tales from Zambia and Bristol....

We exhibited the interactive tree sculpture made by children at Hillcrest Primary School on Zone A (next to The Bush Pub) Wells Road, Bristol! It was a really lovely day, and we were so lucky with the weather! Lots of children, families and a few intrigued grown-ups came along to take part in art workshops - making flowers from reused plastic bottles, planting seeds and checking out the talking tree sculpture.

Below: The tree at night

Below: Tree stories, poems and facts from Hillcrest Primary School exhibited at the art trail

To listen to the tree tales and sounds from children at Hillcrest Primary and young people from Barefeet Children's Council, Zambia please visit

Below: Plastic bottle flowers made at Totterdown Art Trail

To find out more about the project which started back in July please visit our previous blogs

Below: Preparing plastic bottles for the tree sculpture at Hillcrest Primary

And last but by no means least, we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made Tree Tales possible!

Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill Neighbourhood Partnership Fund; Hillcrest Primary School; Barefeet Children’s Council (Zambia); Tobias Tembo (Barefeet Theatre, Zambia); Charlie Henry; Stewart Wright; Rachel Shelley; Natalie ‘I only do drilling’ Corfield; Viv Maginnis; Laura; Jig; Claire England; Katie Goldsmith; Gnisha Bevan; Steve Lamprey; Keir Williams; Bristol South and Easton Swimming Pool, and everyone who collected and donated plastic bottles!

Below: Year 5s at Hillcrest Primary making and testing out their tree designs in 3D

Is it waterproof?

Below: Hanging tree poems, stories and pacts on the giant 'T' at Hillcrest Primary